The Hour Glass of God! And His End Time Master Plan By Pastor Dirk Flemix From TruLight Radio XM
End Time study on the Time line from now leading to the Battle of Armageddon, the end of Human civilization on Earth!
- Why you should study Bible prophecy
- Specific demonic strongholds in church
- Bible Signs that it’s the END
- The Role of Trump and America
- 5 Seals Opened, 6th Seal Next
- 4 Trumpets sounded, 5th Trumpet Next!
- The Gog and Magog war
- Golan Height Oil ~ last Blood Moon ~ Gog and Magog
- Jared Kushner working towards the Gog and Magog
- The Gog and Magog Battle
- The Jewish Messiah Arrival
- Jesus is not the Jewish Messiah
- Role of the Christian Zionist Movement
- Misunderstanding of the Eastern Gate
- Build the 3rd Jewish Temple
- Main reason for the Two Witnesses
- The Great Christian Revival
- When will it take place
- Role of the Holy Spirit in Last Days
- The Antichrist claims the 3rd Jewish Temple
- The Great Tribulation Starts
- The 666 Mark of the Beast is implemented
- The Seal of God
- The 5th Trumpet
- The Wrath of God begins
- 6th Trumpet War
- Polluted water in Euphrates River dries up
- Jesus Christ Arrive at His 2nd Coming
- The Rapture of the Elect
- The 7 Thunders
- The Battle of Armageddon
- 1000 Year Peace in Heaven
- Final Word
- FEAR the Number 1 Sign of the End Times
- Signs of the Last Days
- Wake Up Child!!!! And Navigate the Mine Field
- Bride of Christ Prepare!!
Scripture from the King James Version - The Chapters form a Timeline