Your Heart is the Most Valuable Treasure of God

A 52 Week study to Change your Heart to a Holy Treasure for God!

  1. Introduction to the Study.
  2. What is the Heart?
  3. The Heart of Man.
  4. God knows your Heart.
  5. God looks at your Heart.
  6. Love the Lord with all your Heart.
  7. The Heart is Desperately Wicked.
  8. The Law of the Heart.
  9. The Law must be written in our Hearts.
  10. As a Man thinketh in His Heart, so is He.
  11. Store up God ‘s word in your Heart.
  12. Is your Heart currently with satan?
  13. Let not your Heart be troubled.
  14. The desires of the Heart.
  15. To love God with all your Heart.
  16. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.
  17. Your Hearts Door.
  18. a Heart after God.
  19. a Merry heart does good.
  20. How can I know the heart of God?
  21. Guard your heart above all else.
  22. The eyes of your heart may be enlightened.
  23. Treasures in heaven.
  24. Set your Heart on things above.
  25. When Hope defers it makes the heart sick
  26. We have eternity in our hearts.
  27. The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.
  28. Their hearts are far from me.
  29. Circumcision of the heart.
  30. Create in me a clean heart.
  31. The meditation of my heart be pleasing to God.
  32. Undivided Heart.
  33. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
  34. Return to God with your whole heart.
  35. Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.
  36. The desires of your heart.
  37. The kingdom of God is within your Heart.
  38. To rend your heart.
  39. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
  40. A contrite heart, God, will not despise.
  41. A Giving Heart.
  42. Mercy and truth on the tablet of your heart.
  43. Songs to a heavy heart.
  44. Unite my heart to fear Your name.
  45. The causes and solutions for a hardened heart.
  46. Unite my heart to fear Your name.
  47. Don’t lose heart!
  48. Ask Jesus into your heart.
  49. Is there hope although my Heart Failed.
  50. What can I do when I don’t feel any love for God?
  51. How can I recover from heartbreak?
  52. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in your Heart.
    Extra Studies
    The Heart in the Bible
    Spiritual Reasons for Illness of the Heart