A 52 Week study to Change your Heart to a Holy Treasure for God!
- Introduction to the Study.
- What is the Heart?
- The Heart of Man.
- God knows your Heart.
- God looks at your Heart.
- Love the Lord with all your Heart.
- The Heart is Desperately Wicked.
- The Law of the Heart.
- The Law must be written in our Hearts.
- As a Man thinketh in His Heart, so is He.
- Store up God ‘s word in your Heart.
- Is your Heart currently with satan?
- Let not your Heart be troubled.
- The desires of the Heart.
- To love God with all your Heart.
- Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.
- Your Hearts Door.
- a Heart after God.
- a Merry heart does good.
- How can I know the heart of God?
- Guard your heart above all else.
- The eyes of your heart may be enlightened.
- Treasures in heaven.
- Set your Heart on things above.
- When Hope defers it makes the heart sick
- We have eternity in our hearts.
- The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.
- Their hearts are far from me.
- Circumcision of the heart.
- Create in me a clean heart.
- The meditation of my heart be pleasing to God.
- Undivided Heart.
- Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
- Return to God with your whole heart.
- Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.
- The desires of your heart.
- The kingdom of God is within your Heart.
- To rend your heart.
- Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
- A contrite heart, God, will not despise.
- A Giving Heart.
- Mercy and truth on the tablet of your heart.
- Songs to a heavy heart.
- Unite my heart to fear Your name.
- The causes and solutions for a hardened heart.
- Unite my heart to fear Your name.
- Don’t lose heart!
- Ask Jesus into your heart.
- Is there hope although my Heart Failed.
- What can I do when I don’t feel any love for God?
- How can I recover from heartbreak?
- The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in your Heart.
Extra Studies
The Heart in the Bible
Spiritual Reasons for Illness of the Heart