All scriptures on all Articles based from the KJV Bible, Books written by Pastor Dirk

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Short Studies & Other Books
Several Short eBooks on Important Topics

Audio Bible KJV
Radio Drama‘s
These 3 Radio Drama Plays will take you on a Journey starting at the Ministry of Jesus to then Great white Throne Judgement and every event in between giving you a clear understanding on the events as the had and still will unfold in the Prophetic End Time Time line unto the 2nd Coming of Jesus and beyond.

A Link between the Old and New Testament . What happened in the spiritual realm during the 3 Hours of Darkness on Earth after the Death of Jesus on the Cross and the 3 Days and Nights Events leading the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We will delve into the years that have passed and examine the biblical prophecies of the Seals and the Trumpets of Revelation that have unfolded during past 2000 year plus. By doing so, you will gain a clearer understanding of how the end time timeline aligns with biblical teachings.

A Radio Drama about the Last 7 Years and 7 Months on Earth. Travel with Bill as He takes you to the Major Bible Prophecies on the End Time, Time Line. All Bible Script is taken from the KJV Bible. And According to the Teachings of Pastor Dirk the In-house Writer and Teacher of TruLight Ministries.